In the 20th episode of Vortex Temporum, Paris based Argentinian born composer Daniel Teruggi (1952) – who directed GRM Paris from 1997 to 2017 and has composed more than 100 works, mainly acousmatic works for concert, as well as electroacoustic works with instruments – tell us about how he came to work with Iannis Xenakis (1922 – 2001) on the production of Pour la Paix [1981] and later on the stereo reduction of his electroacoustic works.
Gestes de l’écrit [1994] > acousmatic piece composed with UPIC // Images symphoniques [1998] (movements 2 and 4) // Pensées symphoniques [2022] (movements 1, 4 and 5)
Daniel Teruggi with Iannis Xenakis | 23rd October 1982