VT003 | Joanna Bailie: dream bore

The third episode of Vortex Temporum brings us back to the world of sound art.
Rather than revealing her dreams, Joanna Bailie involves us in a path of discovery. We bet it is almost impossible not to feel empathetic towards her on this personal journey, disarmingly keeping the listener on the threads of her warm voice.
From the most harmless or pleasant dreams to some disquieting ones, we think we get to know a little bit of Joanna’s inner self. But isn’t this simply a piece of art? Yet, isn’t art something that reveals the artist the most?

Joanna Bailie (London, 1973) is a Berlin based British composer whose works seems to push us out of the time dimension. She studied at the Institute of Sonology (Den Haag) and at Columbia University, before completing her PhD at City, University of London. Her work has been performed at events such as the Donaueschinger Musiktage, Venice Biennale, Huddersfield, MaerzMusik, Musica Strasbourg and Darmstadt, by ensembles and solo musicians from around Europe. Her recent work includes chamber music and installation and it is characterized by the use of manipulated field recordings and other sound media together with acoustic instruments. She is also interested in the interplay between the audio and visual as evidenced by her works incorporating camera obscura and film.
Joanna co-founded Plus-Minus Ensemble (2003). She was the guest curator at the SPOR Festival in Aarhus (2010) and she curated and produced the Cut and Splice Festival for BBC Radio 3 (2015). She has taught at various institutions (HMDK Stuttgart, University of London, among others) and festivals such as the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music.
She is the guest composer at Aveiro_Síntese biennale 2022 (Portugal).


2 responses to “VT003 | Joanna Bailie: dream bore”

  1. Loved listening to this podcast this afternoon.

    1. Thank you! We’re looking forward to hearing your episode.

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