• VT027 | Karen Power: wild surprises

    IN the 27th episode of Vortex Temporum podcast, Irish composer Karen Power (1977) shares a couple of stories about some of the wildest listening experiences she has had. 📷 John Godfrey karenpower.ie credits: field recording made in Rainforest in Laos // Instruments of Ice [2015] | Quiet Music Ensemble & Arctic Ice (to be released…

  • VT026 | Alejandro Viñao: polarisation

    The UK based Argentinean composer Alejandro Viñao (Buenos Aires, 1951) stars the 26th episode of our podcast and invites us to “look at the world from the opposite point of view” we normally hold. Alejandro quotes Eduardo Galeano, Laurent Binet and also Walt Whitman and, by listening to him, we immediately feel the urge to…

  • VT025 | Leigh Landy: giving sounds a new thought

    In this episode of Vortex Temporum, Leigh Landy (1951) first shares his sadness about the lack of impact of most innovative music and suggests that things don’t have to be this way. He then engages in a dialogue with re-re-composed samples from his Radio Series in which connections with listeners’ experience are made, attempting to…

  • VT024 | Klaus Ospald: portuguese self-talks

    The 24th episode of Vortex Temporum podcast brings us a dialogue between Klaus Ospald (1956) and Klaus Ospald. Let’s check if this German composer agrees with himself. 📷 ©Maurice Weiss, Ostkreuz credits:Maíz raíz, menos criatura [2014/2015], for orchestra, piano and chamber choir, on text by Miguel Hernández | Markus Bellheim > piano; Singer Pur; Bavarian Radio…

  • VT023 | Charles Uzor: manifesto

    2024’s first episode of Vortex Temporum podcast features Nigerian born composer, based in Switzerland since 1968, Charles Uzor (Udo Mbaise, 1961). Charles guides us along the episode with his voice, thoughts and sounds in order to offer us his manifesto. If you do not know his work yet, you might be very well surprised by…

  • VT022 | Sina Fallahzadeh: impromptus on life and music

    The last Vortex Temporum’s episode of 2023 arrives from France, where Iranian born composer Sina Fallahzadeh (1981) lives and works. Sina shares with us some timeless thoughts on life and music surgically wrapped in delicate sound. sinafallahzadeh.mystrykingly.com credits: sound material from Arche [2020] // Yasnâ [2019], for choir and electronics – commissioned by IRCAM and…

  • VT021 | Luís Antunes Pena: when I failed to do a podcast

    Closing the year 2023, Colone based Portuguese composer Luís Antunes Pena (Lisbon, 1973) reveals that, for himself, composing means to be able to dive into a domain that one does not control totally. Or perhaps this episode is about his addiction to buying books about anything. Anyway, have a listen to his beautiful analog synthesizer…

  • VT020 | Daniel Teruggi: working with Iannis Xenakis

    In the 20th episode of Vortex Temporum, Paris based Argentinian born composer Daniel Teruggi (1952) – who directed GRM Paris from 1997 to 2017 and has composed more than 100 works, mainly acousmatic works for concert, as well as electroacoustic works with instruments – tell us about how he came to work with Iannis Xenakis (1922…

  • VT019 | Amanda Cole: painting sounds, listening to colours

    Strongly inspired by colour and sound, on the 19th episode of Vortex Temporum podcast Australian composer Amanda Cole (1979) tells us how she came to combine both in the production of new microtonal art objects. amandacolemusic.com Credits: Tones and Textures in Wool and Sound [2023] – art gallery installation // Wine glass texture // Colour…

  • VT018 | Clemens Gadenstätter: the politics of perception

    The 18th episode of Vortex Temporum Podcast brings us Austrian composer Clemens Gadenstätter (1966) who shares his thoughts on the intricacies of Perception, towards the art of composing. If we lay our ears in the background music, we can have a taste of his work “Making of – intimacy”. clemensgadenstaetter.eu credits: making of – intimacy…